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Email: paintingsales@gmail.com

The Lake district SOLD


Churchills 40'' x 32''

She's a Curse 40'' x 25''

Hidden Fortress 36'' x 24''

Funmi SOLD

Mrs Twit SOLD

Write up in the Westmorland Gazette

The chairs in Ubuntu Cafe

Joseph Coupland Hartley
Artist adds splash of colour to Lakes eaterie

From Bowness, Jos
eph brought his distinctive style to the Ubuntu Café Bar in the tourist town.
The café's tired-looking chairs and tables were given a new life with the artist's unique painting skills -
with one of the paintings being a map of the Lake
Emma and Jonathan Macfarlane,

who took over the premises in
April 2023, have gradually been giving the place a revamp, integrating Cuban-inspired colours and designs along with some more retro touches.

The owners were thrilled to not only have some of Jo
seph's unique and colourful artwork on the walls but also on the chairs and tables.
Jonathan said: "I'm really pleased with what Joseph did. It is amazing and he's a great artist
when we started the café we didn't have any art, and Joseph would come up often for a chat.
We had the idea to brighten up the place and then he said that he would do it for
He did the chairs first and then the tables.

With him being such a talented artist, every piece is different and unique."

Joseph, who returned to his home town of Bowness this year after living and working in London, has exhibited around the UK
and has sold paintings internationally to 13 countries.

He paints in a number of styles, embracing a bold and colourful approach.

'Ubuntu' is a Zulu word meaning 'I am because we are' and welcome and inclusivity are very much the ethos of the café bar.

Creating a warm and inviting atmosphere through decor, music and the friendly staff team has been a key driver since Ubuntu's inception.

If you would like to experience Joseph's artwork whilst enjoying Ubuntu's food, coffee or cocktails,

visit the café at 4 St Martins Parade in Bowness


Painting the chairs and Tables @ ubuntu


A movie
I made about the process of creating and painting Fitzrovia

A trip to Arthur Stanley House to see the Fitzrovia Murial

A book I self published in 2020
detailing 30 years of my life being an artist
my process of painting

Various Books I have written and illustrated,
self published available on the links below

The book of Shenanigans
Written by David J Walkden

Now available online or in any good book stores
I illustrated all the pen and ink drawings scattered throughout the book.
Its a great, fun read and
I highly recommend picking it up to enjoy!

To buy the book. Click here

@Copyright by Joseph Coupland Hartley. All rights Reserved.